Windmill and Water Tower Walk - Cleadon Hills

Length of walk

Distance: 1 mile

Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour

Type of walk

Lanes and some fairly steep grass and gravel paths, plus a stile and a narrow gate.

Where to start

Just past the golf club there is a bus turning circle, this is the start point for the walk. The number 12 bus stops here.

On-street parking is available at The Lonnen, off Quarry Lane (signposted for South Shields Golf Club).

Step 1

Head up the lane from the turning circle then turn right alongside the high wall around the Water Tower, carry on to the right at the end of the wall and continue until the stile in the wall on your left.

Step 2

Cross the stile and head up the path towards the disused windmill and information board.

Look out for:

  • The field around the windmill is of national importance because of the wildflowers which grow there due to the shallow magnesian limestone soil. From here there are spectacular panoramic views across the area.
  • Can you spot the cranes on the River Tyne, the wind turbines at the Nissan Factory, Penshaw Monument, the Northern Spire Bridge across the River Wear and Roker Pier?
  • You can also see for miles down the coast to the south. A perfect place for a picnic!
  • There are various other paths which can be taken if you wish to explore further.

Step 3

Next follow the path beside the wall along, back towards the Water Tower with its 100ft chimney that is one of the region's most prominent landmarks.

Step 4

Branch left on the diagonal path towards the gate and leave through the pedestrian gate to the side. Don't forget to lock it after you.

Step 5

Head left down the track and turn right back into the lane to return to your starting point.

Map and map key

Windmill and Water Tower Walk

  1. The Lonnen
  2. Water tower
  3. Stile
  4. Cleadon windmill
  5. Gate