24LD03 - Developing Your Middle Leaders - CANCELLED

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This is a course for senior leaders to explore effective ways to develop and empower middle leaders to take active roles in school improvement.

The course will cover:

  • Middle Leader roles - types of roles and responsibilities
  • How to recognise talent and develop Middle Leaders
  • How to ensure Middle Leaders are empowered to plan, monitor, and evaluate key school improvement priorities

Expected Impact on Schools:

  • Senior Leaders will understand the range of Middle Leader roles and responsibilities that schools can put in place to support school improvement
  • Senior Leaders will be able to recognise talent and develop Middle Leaders
  • Senior Leaders will be able to identify and use effective strategies that enable Middle Leaders to take responsibility for key aspects of school improvement

Target Group:  

  • Senior Leaders (Primary)

Course Deliverer:  Susannah Webb

Cost:  Free to SWD Buy-Back Participants - £50 to others

Other times on Saturday 22 February

There are no further occurrences on this date