Missing Children (Training course)

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Child safeguarding training course. Free to attend.


  1. About this course
  2. Aims
  3. Learning Outcomes
  4. Who can attend
  5. Book a place and find out more

About this course

This course is for those who work with children and their families and want to understand more about the impact when children and young people go missing from home.


The aims of the course are to offer participants with an opportunity to develop their understanding of the importance of missing episodes and the risks to children and young people.

It will also provide an understanding of why young people go missing and what the associated risks are.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Increased knowledge of the purpose of RHI's and what they achieve and contribute too
  • Greater understanding of the appropriate responses to a child who has been missing
  • Acknowledgement of the significant connection between missing and child exploitation
  • Improved view of the local and national picture in relation to missing
  • Increased understanding of local protocols, such as MSET

This course is ran by Gemma Doherty, Missing from Home Co-ordinator and Russ Saunders, Learning and Development Advisor.

Who can attend

Anyone working with children, adults and families in South Tyneside can apply for a place.

Book a place and find out more

This course is free to attend.

For information on how to book a place on one of our courses, and for more information:

Attending a course

Other times on Saturday 22 February

There are no further occurrences on this date